Minecraft vintage style cabin is a simple and interesting witch's house

Minecraft vintage style cabin is a simple and interesting witch's house

First, we built a large and a small fitting square frame with cobbles on the water, with sizes of 13x13 and 11x11, and filled 3 rows of cobbles on the lower part of the big frame.


Then we start to lay the key pillars of the house, using wood and logs to build the pillars with the height of 6, place the pillars of the cobbled part from the left or right of the number 7 grid.


Then, according to the below image, use the bush logs from landscape orientation to connect the pillars and complete the main frame.


Now lets start to prepare the frame of the roof, using the dark oak steps according to the red frame below.


Then fill the bush logs frame with wool, and leave space for winders and doors in a suitable place.


Next, start to use dark oak logs to set up the roof, and cover the roof with sea stones. Process the joint of the two roofs to make the staircase as an inner corner.


Then decorate it slightly, the roof is done.


Construct the front of the roof as is shown in the image.


Each window should be decorated with wood logs, oak stairs, oak fence and oak steps as image shown below.


You can refer to the below image to decorate the door, and the material is the same as the window.


Add a chimney on the side of the house, create the defect effect with stone and brick stairs, and close the top with stone and brick stairs upside down.


Put a campfire at the top to create smoke coming out from the chimney effect.


Enter the house, build the loft and bay window, using oak timber.


Decorate the outside bay window by using bush logs and oak fences.


The building is complete now, and use some spider web and pumpkin lamps to add some details.


The house is full of magic and Halloween atmosphere is completed. It is getting dark, and the witch makes an invitation. Do you dare to accept?



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