The official explained the Java version of the chat reporting function

The official explained the Java version of the chat reporting function

The officials finally made a detailed explanation of the reporting feature later this week.

1. The purpose of reporting: Minecraft gathered thousands of players around the world, so we need to ensure that every player is safe, in order to ensure this safety, Mojang will review the harmful information and behavior that does not comply with the Microsoft Service Agreement.

2. The way to report: Directly report the abusive information in the Minecraft java version. All reports are only initiated by gameplay, the system will not automatically process and report any chat content information. 

3. How to report: Pause menu to enter the report interface, players can report the content of more detailed descriptions and evidence.

4. The report classification: self-harm / childhood abuse, sexual abuse / terrorism, extreme violence / religious beliefs, racial discrimination, sexual orientation and other hate speech / humiliation bullying, disclosure of personal information / drug use / release of false information, and so on.

5. The consequences of reporting: minor restrictions on online functions, serious violations of community guidelines will be directly banned.



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